Monday, December 27, 2010

Zig Ziglar Setting Goals 1 of 3

Here's a summary of what to do:

1. Write down your goals.
2. Put a date on them.
3. List all the obstacles you will need to overcome.
4. Identify the companies and people you'll need to work with.
5. Spell out a plan of action.
6. Set a time limit.
7. Identify what the benefits are to you.
8. Get to work! Your goals aren't going to happen on their own. It's takes work, and dedication.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Speak to yourself with a positive voice

"You can motivate players better with kind words than you can with a whip." - Bud Wilkinson

How do you speak to yourself? Do you tell yourself you can't? That you'll never be able to achieve your goals? Why? Do you talk to your family and friends like that? Hopefully not! So, why would you talk to yourself with that negative voice? Make it part of your daily routine to look at yourself in the mirror and say "I love you. You're amazing!" Don't just look in the mirror and pick at all your "flaws". Embrace who you are and your own beauty. It's okay to be proud of yourself, you know. Acknowledge your hard work, and be proud of how far you've come.

"Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way." - Satchel Paige

Monday, November 22, 2010

Will's Wisdom

I haven't posted in a while, but I thought this one was important for everyone to see. I truly believe we all need to get out there and surround ourselves with more people like Will Smith. His attitude is what we all need to have. So, my tip today is to find positive like-minded people to hang out with. If you are looking to achieve your goals, you need constant motivation. It's not easy to do that on your own. Get folks around you that can encourage, push, and help you learn & grow. Together you can acomplish great things. Now, surrounding yourself with negative folks who don't try . . . that's just gonna bring you down. Fresh out of positive people in your life? Watch this clip each day, and make Will your mentor. :) You'll attract great things & people into your life if you believe in this wisdom. Best wishes!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Get Motivated!

Last week I went to the Get Motivated Seminar in Dallas. I've been a big fan of Zig Ziglar for years. I was finally able to see him speak live (total "bucket list" moment), along with other amazing motivational speakers (Laura Bush, Steve Forbes, Gen. Colin Powell, Rudy Guiliani, Terry Bradshaw - who is hilarious, by the way). It was a great day.  I highly recommend you attend, if you are able. Here are a few tidbits from the day:

"It doesn't matter where  you start out in life. It's what you do along the way."- Gen. Colin Powell
"You can't give kindness away. It's always returned." - Bob Kittell
"The biggest negative person we need to overcome is ourself." - Bob Kittell
"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." - Bob Kittell
"Listen to your inner calling." - Emmit Smith
"It's only a dream until you write it down, then it becomes a goal." - Emmit Smith
"Cut the word "impossible" out of your life!" - Dr. Robert Schueller
"The right attitude begins inside." - Zig Ziglar
"The only way you can win the game is if you're the player!" - James Smith
"Be still and listen. God will speak to your heart and tell you what to do." - Terry Bradshaw
"The biggest threat to your future is the past you won't let go of." - Steven Pierce
"Write things down. Pros/cons, goals & intentions. Goal-oriented people are successful." - Rudy Guiliani

And remember, "Life is too short not to take advantage of everything in your life!" - Terry Bradshaw

Monday, October 18, 2010

Think good thoughts starting today!

I believe your attitude can change your life. We all have the power to choose how we react to things, or how we go for our dreams. Are you going to make excuses and be negative/give up or find the silver lining and march on? Here's a little message to think about that I got in an email today from The Secret Scrolls:

From The Secret Daily Teachings

Do not worry at all about negative thoughts, and do not try to control them. All you have to do is begin to think good thoughts each day. Plant as many good thoughts as you can in each day. As you begin to think good thoughts you will attract more and more good thoughts, and eventually the good thoughts will wipe out the negative thoughts altogether.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne

The Secret and The Power... bringing joy to billions

Monday, October 11, 2010

Have you made a vision board yet?

I've been thinking about updating my vision board lately. Of course, it hasn't gotten further than looking at the stack of magazines on the floor, and thinking "you need to update your vision board, and then pitch those old magazines!", but I'm a work in progress just like everyone else. Why should I update my vision board? To refocus on my goals and dreams for my future. To understand more clearly what I do want, and what steps I need to take to get it. Here's an article I found when I googled lack of motivation (cuz, frankly, that's how I was feeling today - work in progress, remember). I think the Universe is telling me to listen to that voice in my head and actually update the vision board instead of putting it off any longer.


No Dreams No Motivation No Visions for Your Future Then You Can Correct This Learn to Create a Vision or Dream Board No Cost at Home Improve Your Life

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Are you having problems focusing on your future?
 It's time to set up a Vision or Dream Board for yourself.   There is no time like the present moment.    You already have everything at home. So let's get started!
  1. Collect all those old Magazines that you have been threatening to throw away for months.
  2. FIND the glue and SCISSORS 
  3.  Find a large piece of card or old board lying in the garage.   This can be as big as you want. If you feel very motivated, the bigger the better.
  4. Find a photograph that you feel you look good in,  preferably one with you smiling.   This must be atleast an A5 size.   Place this in the middle of the board and glue.
Remember if you find it difficult to picture yourself making a huge Vision Board, make a small small Board, with enough pictures  on that get you excited and motivated.   You will grow into a big board once you get stsrted this I gaurantee!
Now the fun starts  go through the magazines ,cutting out whatever you suddenly feel you would like to achieve, own, look like or do.   ANYTHING GOES, have fun with this.
Pictures of destination choices, travel to other places are a good start   Plane or boats  pictures for forms of transport
. Motivational sayings. Pictures of people who look the way you wish to look like. Things you are going to own etc. A home you would like to own, the gardens you would love to have.
When you have a pile of pictures from the Magazines, you can now start forming some kind of order. For example the most urgent of your visions or goals to the real extra luxuary ones.
 When I made my personal board I cut out dollar notes from pictures and filled all the gaps on the card with these lovely little green things. it looks marvelous. no empty spots.
I also found some pictures of people who were meditating and added these. I have since started my own little form of meditation.  My style no frills.  But this I will cover on my web.
Once you have sorted all your pics, you now can begin placing them strategically around your picture which is right in the middle of the board. 
I emphasise    (Make sure it is a pic you like) as you will be staring at this face for a l while or untill you achieve all your goals you have set. (You know you will not give up before you have achieved all? RIGHT?)
 My Board  is 18 month old already. I still use it every morning and every night, without fail.     It can be a long time before you reach ALL of your goals as some are very long term and some are short term. Remember you must have Life Time Goals aswell as immediate Goals.
When you have stuck all the pictures up on your board, leaving a frame open all around the edges you must now color this in with bright yellow paint or pen.   This will help make the whole Vision lighten up and become more realistic.
When this wonderful piece of art of yours is complete find a place centre bottom and write this.
 I am forever in Gratitude for all the Wonderful things the Universe gives me and all theses things and more will manifest in my life in appropriate time.
This can be in fairly large print in order to read it every time you look at your Vision Board.
I wish you all the best with this project and would love to hear fom you as to how you are attaining goals.
Have a Magic Day

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Monday, October 4, 2010

JK Rowling Harvard Commencement Speech Part 1 - June 5 2008

I'm a huge Harry Potter fan, and am amazed at the success JK Rowling has achieved. It's really a phenomenon. Check out all of her speech to the Harvard grads. She's great.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Try saying YES for a change!

Most people have a tendancy to say No immediately. Of course, there are plenty of times to say no (say no to drugs, texting while driving, etc), but how about saying yes for things that are good for you? Yes to branching out and trying new things. Yes to taking on a project you are afraid to do, and have doubts you are able to do, but would love to do it just the same! Yes to going to that conference that might bring you great things in life. Say yes to possibilities!

I am a children's illustrator. I love to go to conferences and hang with like-minded illustrators and writers too. All that creative energy in one room, whoo! Plus, as an artist, sometimes I feel like a bit of an oddity  . . . forever doodling, working from home with just my dogs to bounce ideas off of, and (gasp!) getting paid for drawing . . . I think some people think that's nutty. So, it's definitely a great feeling to be around other artists who share the same issues. My peeps! I feel like I fit in, like I can hang with these folks and not be judged. Love that!!

Anyway, over the weekend, I did just that. I attended an art director/editor day at my local SCBWI chapter (Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators). One of the speakers was Dan Yaccarino. You may know him as a children's book writer and illustrator or the fabulous creator of the Nick Jr. TV show "Oswald". Think big blue octopus who has a weenie dog, flower, snowman, and penguin as friends. Genius, really! He told us that the secret to his success is saying YES! (see, I was getting back to that eventually) When projects came along that he really had no idea how to do, he said YES and immediately went to work figuring it all out. He accomplished great things this way. Think if he had said no instead. "Is there a manuscript that goes along with this picture?" "Uh, no." NO BOOK DEAL! "Do you know how to create a TV show from your illustration idea?" "Not really." NO OSWALD! (and trust me, that would have been a real shame!!!) He's done commercials, books, TV series, political illustrations, wrote stories, screenplays, etc. He probably had days when he lacked the self confidence and questioned why he had said yes in the first place, but he kept plugging along. YES! It does work.

So, keep saying NO to the things you really absolutely MUST say no to. Say YES to possibilities and stepping out of your comfort zone to try new things. Be fearless.Try it today. Yes, you can!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Just do it!

This guy inspires me. He had a big mountain to climb, was really feeling down about himself & life in general, but something inside him made him go for it. He accomplished amazing things all because he just kept at it each day. A year later he's a changed man. Sometimes you just gotta motivate yourself. Decide. Commit. Do it. Reach inside and feel it . . . you can do whatever you set your mind to. No mountain is too high. No challenge is too tough. You are strong & powerful. You deserve to be happy too!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Inspirational - The Pursuit of Happyness

Check out this awesome motivational site too.  Have a fantastic Monday, and get out there and do what makes you happy. Don't let anyone hold you back from your dreams.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Get back to life

Tuesday again. Sorry 'bout that. It's been a busy 2 weeks of summer vacation.

Yesterday, I was listening to Carl Daikeler, CEO of Beachbody, during our Monday morning conference call. I decided to go along with his theme today. It really inspired me. Beachbody is all about people helping people, and I absolutely love that. I hope that this motivational blog is helping someone out there. It feels great to help others.

It's back-to-school time again. Time to buy mountains of school supplies, new clothes, and sporty new shoes. It's kind of exciting, a little scary, but full of so many wonderful possibilities. Kinda makes you wish you were back in school, huh? Okay, maybe the memories of math homework put a big damper on that excitement (for me anyway), but it's still a time of year that intrigues me.

Most people seem to wait until January 1st to make big changes and goals, but the first day of school seems to be the beginning for me. Clean slate, loads of opportunities, new adventures. So, how about making this time your back-to-life time? What would you like to accomplish? What were some tasks you've always wanted to complete but life got in the way? Make now the time to take your life back. The kids are going to be in school all day, it's time for you. Your potential is waiting for you! Make your goal list, buy some new supplies to get you motivated and excited, take a class/get involved with a group/start something you've always wanted to. It's not too late!

Now sit up straight, spit out that gum, and get to work! :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Personal Development

Did you know that you can have all the goals in the world, but you won't reap the benefits until you're ready for it? Make personal development a priority in your life.

I am a coach with Beachbody, and attended a seminar in Dallas this weekend. The room was buzzing with positive mojo. It's so great to be around folks that love life and want to bring joy to others. We heard from MJ Durkin, and Craig Holiday who are amazing men encouraging others to be the best they can be all while helping others be the best they can be. This life should be about paying it forward.

Several times, I heard people say to read the book, The Slight Edge. You should read 10 pages of a personal development book each day, and listen to 15 minutes of uplifting audio.  You can also go to itunes and under free podcasts there is a library of personal development speakers such as Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracey, John Maxwell, etc.

Your attitude determines your altitude. So if you put good stuff into your life every day, you will get good results. It has to start from within. You can either change your life, or wallow in pain. Remember, regret is painful, change is not. What do you need to do to satisfy your soul? Feeding it with positive energy is important. Get out there and read, listen or attend a motivational talk. You will increase your energy, your happiness, and no doubt the happiness of those around you! May you have a very blessed & positive week.

Monday, July 19, 2010

"Fear does not exist in this dojo" . . er, I mean, blog.

Today I'm thinking about fear. It's amazing how many fears people have. I'm not talking about fears like being afraid of spiders, really, unless it's a fear that is interfering with your goals. (Harry & Ron in Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, comes to mind in that situation, but even Ron faced his fear of spiders.) If you go to youtube and type in fear of , there will be hundreds of videos trying to help you conquer your fears. It may be helpful for you to know this: EVERYONE IS AFRAID OF SOMETHING! Apparently, you're not alone.

Are you afraid? Be honest. What could you be afraid of that is keeping you from being successful at whatever you want to do? Does it keep you from moving forward in your business or keep you from taking on projects because you are afraid you can't handle it, won't know how to do the work, will be found out as less than, . . . . those are all fears. They're real. What would happen if you did the very thing you are afraid of? Now, how do you feel about yourself when you want to do something, but don't because you're afraid?

Many people have a fear of rejection. They are afraid to put themself out there in fear that they will be rejected. Isn't that just you rejecting yourself first?? If you don't think you're good enough and might be rejected, aren't you rejecting the very greatness within you? The same goes for fear of failure. If you don't try, you can't fail, right? Oh, but you can. You fail yourself by not taking a chance. You're missing out on amazing possibilities. Would you wish this fear on your dearest friend? NO! You'd be encouraging, and want the best for them. You would tell your friend, "I believe in you. I know you can do it." Be your own best friend, and tell yourself daily how capable you are. Love yourself and want only the best for you.

Fears hold people back. Be fearless. Take a chance on something you might normally shy away from because of fear. Do it this week. That thing you have been avoiding because you are afraid to face it . . . stop avoiding, and take it head on. It gets easier each time, and if you are honest with yourself, you will find that your fear felt much bigger than it actually was. Fear zaps confidence. Don't let it. Zap back!!

This life is too wonderful, but also too short to waste time on fears.  

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hot Tub Time Machine

You may have noticed, that I get a lot of motivation/inspiration from unusual sources. Today's inspiration is just that. Yesterday, I watched the movie "Hot Tub Time Machine". The title is self-explanatory, so if you haven't seen it yet I'm not giving away the whole movie by telling you it's about some guys that go back in time in a hot tub! :) However, it got me thinking . . . if I could go back in time and change things, what would it be? Would I even want to go back in time? Things I've experienced have made me who I am today. Wouldn't missing out on the bad things make me a completely different person? Is that a good thing or not? Maybe some would be good to have missed out on, but others may be a learning opportunity that although difficult can make us stronger.

Think about it yourself. What do you feel you wish you could change from your past? Do you regret not going to college? Do you wish you had taken piano or dance lessons as a child? Do you wish you had better self esteem growing up? Do you wish you hadn't listened to that person that told you to give up on your dreams?

Make a list. What would you change (about yourself) if you could. Now, what's stopping you from doing those things now? Of course, some things just can't be changed, and I'm not saying that you have to dwell on pain from the past. They happened. It's how you see them that is the difference. Today is a new day. Time for a new you. Set goals. Get creative in scheduling time to do these things. If it's a true yearning, you will find the time. Money is a different subject, but check into financial aide if you want to go back to college or try community college or other avenues to learn what you're interested in. Continuing education may be available in your area. Don't let the things you missed out on in the past hold you back today. No excuses. You're not too young, too old, too out of shape, etc. Goals do not have an expiration date unless you put one on them.

You have the power within to change your life now. You don't need a hot tub time machine for that! Go for it!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Motivation on CD/mp3

Oops. With all the motivation, I got caught up in the doing, and forgot to blog on Monday.

I've been listening to some books on CD. "Eat That Frog" & "How the Best Leaders Lead" by Brian Tracy, "The Magic of Thinking Big" by David J. Schwartz. I also love to listen to Zig Ziglar. He's great. (He seriously reminds me of Matthew McConaughey when I hear him, even though he doesn't look like him - I can still imagine Matthew is encouraging me to be my best. hee hee See, you can get anything you want.)

So, my advice today is to surround yourself with positive, motivational folks, even if they're just on CD. Go to their websites and sign up for their daily motivational emails. Check your local library for their books and their books on CD. Download an Mp3 of their books or speeches. Listen to them in your car. Let your kids hear The Magic of Thinking Big. There's so much great info there that everyone should know, and shouldn't wait until they're adults to get. Enjoy!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Dedication & Determination

Say you KNOW what you want to do with your life, you have a goal & a certain amount of desire to reach it. But what happens when you face rejection or tough times? What do you do? Does that ugly little voice in your head tell you to quit? To give up on your dreams because someone didn't like what you had to offer? Maybe you're not even trying hard because you're afraid to fail. Are you willing to give up on your dream? Why should you? You know you can't please everyone. You know someone isn't going to come knocking on your door asking for your work, if they've never even heard of you.Success rarely comes easily. It takes lots & lots of hard work, dedication & determination. Dare to put yourself out there and take a chance.

The other day, I was working on my latest home improvement project (I'm building a retaining wall, but that's another story), and I was listening to my mp3 player. I get inspiration from music, and I love how it pumps me up and gets me goin'. Here's a couple lines from "Lose Yourself" by Eminem. "If you had one shot, and one opportunity to seize everything you wanted in one moment . . . would you capture it or just let it slip?" Say what you will about Eminem, but you've got to admit that he pulled himself out of a dreary life, didn't give up, and attained his goal. If you haven't watched "8 Mile", I recommend it. "Success is my only MF option, failure's not! You can do anything you set your mind to."

So I started wondering about all those folks who faced failure, but didn't give up. What would we be missing out on, if they had given up. Important inventions, cures for disease, even our favorite books & movies . . . what would life be like if everyone gave up on their dreams?? That's a sad thought. Most creatives don't do it for the bigtime fame & fortune. They do it because not doing it every day drains their soul. What are your options? Is it a desire deep within you that tells you quitting is not an option? Or is it just an idea you had, but aren't really that invested in it?

Everyone says that if you want to succeed, no matter what it is, you have to dig your heels in, put on your game face, and GO FOR IT! Don't let the rejections get in your way. Don't make excuses - your kids, job, lack of experience, lack of time, etc. are not excuses to give up on your dream. Make time to do what you need to do to achieve your goals. Oprah has her "No Phone Zone," make your life the "NO WHINE ZONE!!" If you really want something, change your attitude, and schedule time to make it happen. If you're not willing to do that, then don't complain (or whine) that you're not achieving your goals. (Do everyone around you a favor with that one.)

Are you in it to win it? What will you do today to re-dedicate yourself to your goals?

"You can do anything you set your mind to."

(Famous Failures) Famous People Who Have Failed

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Law of Attraction

I came across a motivational speaker/author today. Her name is Sonia Ricotti. She has a book about the Law of Attraction, and some great video clips too. Click on her name above, and go to her website. You can sign up for daily motivational emails. Here are some of the things I got from Sonia's videos and website:

What is the Law of Attraction? Basically, it's "what you send out, is what you get back". It's the whole principle behind "The Secret". So, if you are reacting negatively toward a situation, you are bringing more negative energy toward you. This negative energy could be what's blocking you from achieving your goals. Are you always making excuses about why you can't do this or that? Do you let things from your past influence your today? We all do that at one point. In order to stop the negative from coming in, we need to take the time right this second to acknowledge our thoughts briefly and make a conscious effort to turn our thoughts to the positive. Try it. Focus on the present. Not the BIG stuff going on today, but right this very second. Good? Unless you should really be exiting out of this blog and dialing 911, things in this very second are good. Remember, there are always people going through worse.

Take a deep breath. Focus on being positive. Work on achieving inner peace & happiness, no matter the circumstance. Anything else is just bringing negativity toward you. You definitely don't want that.

Sometimes the Law of Attraction takes a lot of work. The days you are in a positive frame of mind, great things seem to flow in freely. But what about the opposite? Say, you wake up late one morning, and everything seems to go wrong. You spill coffee on your last clean shirt while rushing to get ready, burn the toast, it's raining outside, you can't find your car keys, massive traffic on the road . . . it seems like one rotten event after another. Maybe you can't change the traffic, and the rain, but you can certainly change your attitude. Instead of being tense and anxious about the morning . . . Stop. Take a deep breath and blow it out slowly. Summon up some inner peace, and calmness. (if you're already running late, what is 1 more minute going to do? It could be just what you need to brighten your day.) You have the power to change your attitude, which in turn has the power to bring on goodness or more stress. Practice every day, and it will be second nature after a while.

Today you are attracting only good things. You are caring, thoughtful, intelligent, and talented. You, my friend, are admired and loved by the Universe, and that is HUGE! You're a rockstar!! Bring on all that you dream and you will achieve. You deserve all good things, "no Whammys". :)  Take a minute, to start your day with a little mediation where you visualize wonderful things happening now. Speak to yourself as if you already have it all. You do. It's like a package waiting to be picked up. Greatness is within you. Unlock it . . . now. Monday, June 21st is an awesome day!! Enjoy it thoroughly.

An Inspirational Video 1 - The Law Of Attraction

Monday, June 14, 2010

40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes


I decided to put together this blog as a tool for myself and so many others that need some motivation. Whether it's in your fitness goals, art, or just trying to be the best you that you possibly can . . . motivation can make a huge difference. Technically, I'm not a motivational specialist. I just like to motivate people, and I like to look for motivation for myself too.

I am a wife, mom, an assistant preschool teacher, an illustrator, and a Beachbody coach. All those jobs require motivation at some point in the day. I use information from The Secret, video clips, inspirational quotes, and making a goal/to-do list. It's important to know what you want to achieve, write down the steps it will take to get to that goal, believe you can do it, and get out there and work.

You have amazing power within you. Whatever your heart desires, you can bring into your life. It may take time, loads of planning, and 100% committment, but you CAN make it happen. Don't just say you wish you could have ____. Wishing isn't going to make it happen. What do you want out of life? Have you sat down and made a list? Have you thought about what it takes to achieve it? Don't skip any steps. And tell that negative voice in your head (the one that tells you "You can't do that!")  . . . tell that voice to shut up. Take control over your destiny. No "stinkin' thinkin'" as Zig Ziglar likes to say. Would you talk that way to your best friend if they came to you with their dreams? No, you wouldn't. (I'm sure you wouldn't.) So, why is it okay to talk to yourself with that kind of disrespect? It's not and it ends today!! You are an amazing, powerful, warrior. You bring great things into your life. Opportunities are lining up as you read this!!


Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.
- Leon J. Suenes

Don't let the daily grind make you lose sight of your dreams. You owe it to yourself to dream. Dream big, commit, take action, and have a great week! I believe in you. :)