Monday, July 26, 2010

Personal Development

Did you know that you can have all the goals in the world, but you won't reap the benefits until you're ready for it? Make personal development a priority in your life.

I am a coach with Beachbody, and attended a seminar in Dallas this weekend. The room was buzzing with positive mojo. It's so great to be around folks that love life and want to bring joy to others. We heard from MJ Durkin, and Craig Holiday who are amazing men encouraging others to be the best they can be all while helping others be the best they can be. This life should be about paying it forward.

Several times, I heard people say to read the book, The Slight Edge. You should read 10 pages of a personal development book each day, and listen to 15 minutes of uplifting audio.  You can also go to itunes and under free podcasts there is a library of personal development speakers such as Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracey, John Maxwell, etc.

Your attitude determines your altitude. So if you put good stuff into your life every day, you will get good results. It has to start from within. You can either change your life, or wallow in pain. Remember, regret is painful, change is not. What do you need to do to satisfy your soul? Feeding it with positive energy is important. Get out there and read, listen or attend a motivational talk. You will increase your energy, your happiness, and no doubt the happiness of those around you! May you have a very blessed & positive week.

Monday, July 19, 2010

"Fear does not exist in this dojo" . . er, I mean, blog.

Today I'm thinking about fear. It's amazing how many fears people have. I'm not talking about fears like being afraid of spiders, really, unless it's a fear that is interfering with your goals. (Harry & Ron in Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, comes to mind in that situation, but even Ron faced his fear of spiders.) If you go to youtube and type in fear of , there will be hundreds of videos trying to help you conquer your fears. It may be helpful for you to know this: EVERYONE IS AFRAID OF SOMETHING! Apparently, you're not alone.

Are you afraid? Be honest. What could you be afraid of that is keeping you from being successful at whatever you want to do? Does it keep you from moving forward in your business or keep you from taking on projects because you are afraid you can't handle it, won't know how to do the work, will be found out as less than, . . . . those are all fears. They're real. What would happen if you did the very thing you are afraid of? Now, how do you feel about yourself when you want to do something, but don't because you're afraid?

Many people have a fear of rejection. They are afraid to put themself out there in fear that they will be rejected. Isn't that just you rejecting yourself first?? If you don't think you're good enough and might be rejected, aren't you rejecting the very greatness within you? The same goes for fear of failure. If you don't try, you can't fail, right? Oh, but you can. You fail yourself by not taking a chance. You're missing out on amazing possibilities. Would you wish this fear on your dearest friend? NO! You'd be encouraging, and want the best for them. You would tell your friend, "I believe in you. I know you can do it." Be your own best friend, and tell yourself daily how capable you are. Love yourself and want only the best for you.

Fears hold people back. Be fearless. Take a chance on something you might normally shy away from because of fear. Do it this week. That thing you have been avoiding because you are afraid to face it . . . stop avoiding, and take it head on. It gets easier each time, and if you are honest with yourself, you will find that your fear felt much bigger than it actually was. Fear zaps confidence. Don't let it. Zap back!!

This life is too wonderful, but also too short to waste time on fears.  

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hot Tub Time Machine

You may have noticed, that I get a lot of motivation/inspiration from unusual sources. Today's inspiration is just that. Yesterday, I watched the movie "Hot Tub Time Machine". The title is self-explanatory, so if you haven't seen it yet I'm not giving away the whole movie by telling you it's about some guys that go back in time in a hot tub! :) However, it got me thinking . . . if I could go back in time and change things, what would it be? Would I even want to go back in time? Things I've experienced have made me who I am today. Wouldn't missing out on the bad things make me a completely different person? Is that a good thing or not? Maybe some would be good to have missed out on, but others may be a learning opportunity that although difficult can make us stronger.

Think about it yourself. What do you feel you wish you could change from your past? Do you regret not going to college? Do you wish you had taken piano or dance lessons as a child? Do you wish you had better self esteem growing up? Do you wish you hadn't listened to that person that told you to give up on your dreams?

Make a list. What would you change (about yourself) if you could. Now, what's stopping you from doing those things now? Of course, some things just can't be changed, and I'm not saying that you have to dwell on pain from the past. They happened. It's how you see them that is the difference. Today is a new day. Time for a new you. Set goals. Get creative in scheduling time to do these things. If it's a true yearning, you will find the time. Money is a different subject, but check into financial aide if you want to go back to college or try community college or other avenues to learn what you're interested in. Continuing education may be available in your area. Don't let the things you missed out on in the past hold you back today. No excuses. You're not too young, too old, too out of shape, etc. Goals do not have an expiration date unless you put one on them.

You have the power within to change your life now. You don't need a hot tub time machine for that! Go for it!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Motivation on CD/mp3

Oops. With all the motivation, I got caught up in the doing, and forgot to blog on Monday.

I've been listening to some books on CD. "Eat That Frog" & "How the Best Leaders Lead" by Brian Tracy, "The Magic of Thinking Big" by David J. Schwartz. I also love to listen to Zig Ziglar. He's great. (He seriously reminds me of Matthew McConaughey when I hear him, even though he doesn't look like him - I can still imagine Matthew is encouraging me to be my best. hee hee See, you can get anything you want.)

So, my advice today is to surround yourself with positive, motivational folks, even if they're just on CD. Go to their websites and sign up for their daily motivational emails. Check your local library for their books and their books on CD. Download an Mp3 of their books or speeches. Listen to them in your car. Let your kids hear The Magic of Thinking Big. There's so much great info there that everyone should know, and shouldn't wait until they're adults to get. Enjoy!