Monday, June 28, 2010

Dedication & Determination

Say you KNOW what you want to do with your life, you have a goal & a certain amount of desire to reach it. But what happens when you face rejection or tough times? What do you do? Does that ugly little voice in your head tell you to quit? To give up on your dreams because someone didn't like what you had to offer? Maybe you're not even trying hard because you're afraid to fail. Are you willing to give up on your dream? Why should you? You know you can't please everyone. You know someone isn't going to come knocking on your door asking for your work, if they've never even heard of you.Success rarely comes easily. It takes lots & lots of hard work, dedication & determination. Dare to put yourself out there and take a chance.

The other day, I was working on my latest home improvement project (I'm building a retaining wall, but that's another story), and I was listening to my mp3 player. I get inspiration from music, and I love how it pumps me up and gets me goin'. Here's a couple lines from "Lose Yourself" by Eminem. "If you had one shot, and one opportunity to seize everything you wanted in one moment . . . would you capture it or just let it slip?" Say what you will about Eminem, but you've got to admit that he pulled himself out of a dreary life, didn't give up, and attained his goal. If you haven't watched "8 Mile", I recommend it. "Success is my only MF option, failure's not! You can do anything you set your mind to."

So I started wondering about all those folks who faced failure, but didn't give up. What would we be missing out on, if they had given up. Important inventions, cures for disease, even our favorite books & movies . . . what would life be like if everyone gave up on their dreams?? That's a sad thought. Most creatives don't do it for the bigtime fame & fortune. They do it because not doing it every day drains their soul. What are your options? Is it a desire deep within you that tells you quitting is not an option? Or is it just an idea you had, but aren't really that invested in it?

Everyone says that if you want to succeed, no matter what it is, you have to dig your heels in, put on your game face, and GO FOR IT! Don't let the rejections get in your way. Don't make excuses - your kids, job, lack of experience, lack of time, etc. are not excuses to give up on your dream. Make time to do what you need to do to achieve your goals. Oprah has her "No Phone Zone," make your life the "NO WHINE ZONE!!" If you really want something, change your attitude, and schedule time to make it happen. If you're not willing to do that, then don't complain (or whine) that you're not achieving your goals. (Do everyone around you a favor with that one.)

Are you in it to win it? What will you do today to re-dedicate yourself to your goals?

"You can do anything you set your mind to."

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