Monday, September 27, 2010

Try saying YES for a change!

Most people have a tendancy to say No immediately. Of course, there are plenty of times to say no (say no to drugs, texting while driving, etc), but how about saying yes for things that are good for you? Yes to branching out and trying new things. Yes to taking on a project you are afraid to do, and have doubts you are able to do, but would love to do it just the same! Yes to going to that conference that might bring you great things in life. Say yes to possibilities!

I am a children's illustrator. I love to go to conferences and hang with like-minded illustrators and writers too. All that creative energy in one room, whoo! Plus, as an artist, sometimes I feel like a bit of an oddity  . . . forever doodling, working from home with just my dogs to bounce ideas off of, and (gasp!) getting paid for drawing . . . I think some people think that's nutty. So, it's definitely a great feeling to be around other artists who share the same issues. My peeps! I feel like I fit in, like I can hang with these folks and not be judged. Love that!!

Anyway, over the weekend, I did just that. I attended an art director/editor day at my local SCBWI chapter (Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators). One of the speakers was Dan Yaccarino. You may know him as a children's book writer and illustrator or the fabulous creator of the Nick Jr. TV show "Oswald". Think big blue octopus who has a weenie dog, flower, snowman, and penguin as friends. Genius, really! He told us that the secret to his success is saying YES! (see, I was getting back to that eventually) When projects came along that he really had no idea how to do, he said YES and immediately went to work figuring it all out. He accomplished great things this way. Think if he had said no instead. "Is there a manuscript that goes along with this picture?" "Uh, no." NO BOOK DEAL! "Do you know how to create a TV show from your illustration idea?" "Not really." NO OSWALD! (and trust me, that would have been a real shame!!!) He's done commercials, books, TV series, political illustrations, wrote stories, screenplays, etc. He probably had days when he lacked the self confidence and questioned why he had said yes in the first place, but he kept plugging along. YES! It does work.

So, keep saying NO to the things you really absolutely MUST say no to. Say YES to possibilities and stepping out of your comfort zone to try new things. Be fearless.Try it today. Yes, you can!!

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