Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Get back to life

Tuesday again. Sorry 'bout that. It's been a busy 2 weeks of summer vacation.

Yesterday, I was listening to Carl Daikeler, CEO of Beachbody, during our Monday morning conference call. I decided to go along with his theme today. It really inspired me. Beachbody is all about people helping people, and I absolutely love that. I hope that this motivational blog is helping someone out there. It feels great to help others.

It's back-to-school time again. Time to buy mountains of school supplies, new clothes, and sporty new shoes. It's kind of exciting, a little scary, but full of so many wonderful possibilities. Kinda makes you wish you were back in school, huh? Okay, maybe the memories of math homework put a big damper on that excitement (for me anyway), but it's still a time of year that intrigues me.

Most people seem to wait until January 1st to make big changes and goals, but the first day of school seems to be the beginning for me. Clean slate, loads of opportunities, new adventures. So, how about making this time your back-to-life time? What would you like to accomplish? What were some tasks you've always wanted to complete but life got in the way? Make now the time to take your life back. The kids are going to be in school all day, it's time for you. Your potential is waiting for you! Make your goal list, buy some new supplies to get you motivated and excited, take a class/get involved with a group/start something you've always wanted to. It's not too late!

Now sit up straight, spit out that gum, and get to work! :)

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