Monday, July 12, 2010

Hot Tub Time Machine

You may have noticed, that I get a lot of motivation/inspiration from unusual sources. Today's inspiration is just that. Yesterday, I watched the movie "Hot Tub Time Machine". The title is self-explanatory, so if you haven't seen it yet I'm not giving away the whole movie by telling you it's about some guys that go back in time in a hot tub! :) However, it got me thinking . . . if I could go back in time and change things, what would it be? Would I even want to go back in time? Things I've experienced have made me who I am today. Wouldn't missing out on the bad things make me a completely different person? Is that a good thing or not? Maybe some would be good to have missed out on, but others may be a learning opportunity that although difficult can make us stronger.

Think about it yourself. What do you feel you wish you could change from your past? Do you regret not going to college? Do you wish you had taken piano or dance lessons as a child? Do you wish you had better self esteem growing up? Do you wish you hadn't listened to that person that told you to give up on your dreams?

Make a list. What would you change (about yourself) if you could. Now, what's stopping you from doing those things now? Of course, some things just can't be changed, and I'm not saying that you have to dwell on pain from the past. They happened. It's how you see them that is the difference. Today is a new day. Time for a new you. Set goals. Get creative in scheduling time to do these things. If it's a true yearning, you will find the time. Money is a different subject, but check into financial aide if you want to go back to college or try community college or other avenues to learn what you're interested in. Continuing education may be available in your area. Don't let the things you missed out on in the past hold you back today. No excuses. You're not too young, too old, too out of shape, etc. Goals do not have an expiration date unless you put one on them.

You have the power within to change your life now. You don't need a hot tub time machine for that! Go for it!

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