Monday, June 14, 2010


I decided to put together this blog as a tool for myself and so many others that need some motivation. Whether it's in your fitness goals, art, or just trying to be the best you that you possibly can . . . motivation can make a huge difference. Technically, I'm not a motivational specialist. I just like to motivate people, and I like to look for motivation for myself too.

I am a wife, mom, an assistant preschool teacher, an illustrator, and a Beachbody coach. All those jobs require motivation at some point in the day. I use information from The Secret, video clips, inspirational quotes, and making a goal/to-do list. It's important to know what you want to achieve, write down the steps it will take to get to that goal, believe you can do it, and get out there and work.

You have amazing power within you. Whatever your heart desires, you can bring into your life. It may take time, loads of planning, and 100% committment, but you CAN make it happen. Don't just say you wish you could have ____. Wishing isn't going to make it happen. What do you want out of life? Have you sat down and made a list? Have you thought about what it takes to achieve it? Don't skip any steps. And tell that negative voice in your head (the one that tells you "You can't do that!")  . . . tell that voice to shut up. Take control over your destiny. No "stinkin' thinkin'" as Zig Ziglar likes to say. Would you talk that way to your best friend if they came to you with their dreams? No, you wouldn't. (I'm sure you wouldn't.) So, why is it okay to talk to yourself with that kind of disrespect? It's not and it ends today!! You are an amazing, powerful, warrior. You bring great things into your life. Opportunities are lining up as you read this!!


Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.
- Leon J. Suenes

Don't let the daily grind make you lose sight of your dreams. You owe it to yourself to dream. Dream big, commit, take action, and have a great week! I believe in you. :)

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